Kristian Skrede Gleditsch

Archigos: A Database of Political Leaders

The Archigos data provide a list of leaders for all independt states in the world as outlined in the Gleditsch and Ward list

The Archigos data are a collaborative effort between Hein Goemans (University of Rochester), Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (University of Essex), and Giacomo Chiozza (Vanderbilt University).

They Archigos data are explained in greater detail in our article "Introducing Archigos: A Dataset of Political Leaders" Journal of Peace Research, 46(2): 269-183, 2009. We ask all users of the data to cite this article as their reference for the data and also to cite the current version number and date

The current version 4.1 (1 March 2016), covers 1875 through 31 December 2015. This update also includes new information on family ties between leaders in power.

The documentation and case description file should be consulted for further details in the specific coding

You can also download a version with multi-year observations split by year (based on the 4.1 1 March 2016 version)

Stata users should read the text files using the insheet command with the tab option. Hein Goemans has also made a Stata binary file available

A number of people have supported and assisted in the most recent update. We would like to thank Jeffrey Arnold, Kirk Bowman, Jinhee Choung, Ursula E. Daxecker, Tanisha Fazal, Belen Gonzalez, Kimuli Kasara, Michaela Mattes, Brett Ashley Leeds, Nicolay Marinov, Won-Ho Park, Sara Polo, Stuart A. Reid, Petros Sekeris, Martin Steinwand, Ronald Suny, Alastair Thorpe, Shu Yu and Mike Ward.

The Archigos project has received financial support from the the Political Instability Task Force, which is funded by the Central Intelligence Agency. The views expressed herein are the authors' alone and do not necessarily represent the views of the Task Force or the U.S. Government.

We are also grateful to Petros Sekeris and Alastair Thorpe for help with updating the family ties information.

The Archigos dataset has won the 2014 Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Award for the Best Dataset in Comparative Politics from the Comparative Politics section of the American Political Science Association

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